A gift from me and my exs

i write this letter to let you

know about the gift I've entrusted you with

you gave me a gift of you heart and now i had broke it

but i give you a gift that can never be broken

a gift that is valuable

and will always be available

a gift that is durable


a gift from me and my ex's A gift

that you can never cash in,

in a pawn shop

a gift you can never forget

a gift that you can share with others,

but you will still have your portion


A gift from me and my ex's

im letting you know that clothes,

, cars and things you love the most

your going to forget about them

all you be thinking-off is how tomaintaining the gift i have given you


A gift from me and my ex's

a gift that runs in your veins,

you may have forgotten about your previous lovers,

but you wont forget me for i have given you a gift

i can never take back

it is not gold, diamonds nor pearls

but is a gift from me and my ex's

soon the gift will manifest in your life,

you will get weak dull and sick

all i can say is take the doctors prescription

a gift from me and my ex's HIV AND AIDS.

A gift from me and my exs

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