100 Miles An Hour

I'm driving 100 miles an hour. Trying to out run my thoughts of you. When I think I've lost you, my imagination takes hold and there you are. Making me smile. Making me laugh. Reminding me of your love. I'm driving 100 miles an hour. Trying to loosen your grasp on my heart. When I think I've won this tug-o-war, loneliness takes hold and there you are. Filling the void. Filling the space between us. Showering me with your love. I'm driving 100 miles an hour. Trying to escape your tender touch. When I think I've out run you, sadness takes hold and there you are. Holding me close. Holding my heart. Engulfing my entire being with your love. I'm driving 100 miles an hour. Trying to find you. When I think I've found you, despair takes hold and you are not there. You've vanished from mind. You refuse to fill the hole in my heart. Your touch is like thorns tearing through my skin. I'm devoured by pain.

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