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A story

Let me tell you about the time; I danced with angels, Spinning white robes, fish hooks to my eyes. Words filled with warmth, alien to my life. I laughed with demons, Red shiny horns, tickled my bones. Their comforting touches...


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Letting Go

Look, time to let go these clouds give free will to tears while rain heals earth


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In Defiance of Modern Roles

It's about the roles you and I share in this society. Late-stage capitalism inspired me.
"Say his name!" What does one mean? "Say her name!" As if it wasn't obvious enough... But it is not, because our humanity becomes undone in the face of irrational abstract thoughts. Like when every one of us is deemed "human capital." Just...


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Natures Music

Watch as the grass dances with the wind whispering tunes music of nature


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Let it not be for naught

It's about the current political/social struggle that is taking place in the United States. The effort of the young activists and the old crop of social workers is what inspired me.
As the new battle dawns, mimics of an old cry are clear "No Justice, No Peace." Will it be met with the same fate? The pain of the forgotten voices anguish in fear, because at this rate it is not...


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Read new poems from up and coming amateur poets

Amateur poets can add their work to our poetry chart including the poem, images which represent what the poem is about and even videos of the poem being delivered as intended. We have all the fresh new talent from the poetry world and we promote The Talent Bank to publishers and magazines who may just get in touch to publish some of your poetry.