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Sports Animal and Architecture

1) One is a literal depiction of Quarterback

2) The second, I apologize if it's on an angle, is a portrait of a dog.

3) The third is a literal depiction of Superbowl

4) The last one is an exterior painting of...


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Three Paintings

1) Circle Dude Dancing

2) 3/4 View of Farmland Portrait

3) Raining Coffee Beans

If you're interested in a custom-piece, you can let me know through any of the URLs listed above :)


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Meeseeks Chaplin

This is a Meeseeks piece, from Rick and Morty, but Chaplin style. I apologize if it's on an angle; I tried editing, but it just laid there.


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Dog Portrait

This is my brother's dog and I can paint your pet or favourite animal if you're interested

Here is where you can reach me


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Digital art of the mona lisa

i created this peice in2 Hours



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Bumblebees and Helping Out

Bumblebees is another literal interpretation, depicting the insects, but in it's literal form.

Helping Out is two elephants, what may look like affection with trunks, but one trunk is a cigarette and the other a lighter.


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I Can Paint Your Pet Custom Made

This is a painting of my brother's dog. I can paint your pet or favourite animal, if you're interested :). The photo shows the reference on where I got it from :)



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Buenos Aires and Longano

This piece was for my aunt, her and her husband's hometown. The left is Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Longano, in Italy. I made this with stretched canvas, 35" x 48", and used acrylic. 

If you're interested in this kind of...


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Casablanca Scene

This was a gift for a friend. I painted a scene from Casablanca. I used acrylic paint and hardboard panel to create this. URL reference --->


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