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Remember Me
Everytime I go through something bad,
I always end up on a train.
The sound of the tracks soothes me,
it's almost as if its home.
I look outside the window,
and I see the sunset early in the morning.
It reassures me the grass gets greener on the other side.
I see couples in love, young and old.
Nothing else matters while they're on this train ride.
All that matters is their love.
Love so simple and beautiful like a dove.
Life's moving too fast, just like this train.
I'm tired of getting hurt all over again.
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The poem is on Doctors who were heroes to us in the time of Covid-19
How we observe and how we reflect.
The observations and reflections of a traveller in a foreign land.
The facades of a perfect home.
This peom is about a woman in my life, who is suppose to be there for me but is not.