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Remember Me
My cherished one How far will I love you
As far as where moons dissolve in deep seas
Beyond the edge of a tide's crimson hue
where your breath quickens sails with fevered breeze
Alone I'll embark to our promised land
across long borders of unending paiin
under fading stars above drifting sand
through anchored shadows of persisting rain
Oh those foreign eyes yet not so distant
Your arms safe harbour of a warm embrace
Two hearts entwine against odds resisrant
'Neath plum fog sky my lips outline your face
Water rises 'tween silent hope and time
But water falls and I will make you mine.
Charmaine Chircop
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The poem is on Doctors who were heroes to us in the time of Covid-19
How we observe and how we reflect.
The observations and reflections of a traveller in a foreign land.
The facades of a perfect home.
This peom is about a woman in my life, who is suppose to be there for me but is not.