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Nature Gifts.
Layers of cushioned velvet,
curly, crispy,
weaved by morning's lightweight sun...then
sizzled cerise...sunset's gift.
A subtle breeze awakes...
your sweet scent showers the air,
settles on Lily trumpet.
...add three raindrops,
six spores of Gardenia gusto,
a whiff of alluring Lavender
and two drops of lush Lilac.
Shake well!
Faeries flaunt, flair,
flutter their lashes...
Sasheys here...Sasheys there.
Swanking fine perfume
at the Bee Queen's Ball.
A nudge of flurried air,
refined as a swan's glance,
quivers a tiny petal shiver...
then stands.
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The poem is on Doctors who were heroes to us in the time of Covid-19
How we observe and how we reflect.
The observations and reflections of a traveller in a foreign land.
The facades of a perfect home.
This peom is about a woman in my life, who is suppose to be there for me but is not.