

Do you know the grief I feel being ignored by you?

When I tell you my needs and you cannot seem to hear,

Not once, twice or trice.

I am like an abandoned cat. Begging, pleading

for my basic needs

of food, of love, of shelter, of opinion, of voice, of knowledge, of survival

I need to be seen and heard.

When it’s enough, I erupt.

When it’s erupt, I cry, scream,

At the top of my lungs, and you cannot hear me still.

“What can I do for you to listen to me?”

You say,

But I think.

“What can I do for you to do what I say?”

You say,

But I have no interest in.

“What can I do for you to be happy?”

I tell you,

Yet you cannot hear.

I wail.

My grief consumes me,

consumes the walls, the furniture

the neighbourhood, your ears.

Yet you cannot hear me still.

I wail,

Like the child who lost a toy,

Like the

mother who lost her child.

Wailing in pain.

Do you know the grief I feel being unheard by you?


2 Replies to “Grief”

  1. Hi I’m Liam Bergeron I hope I’m not sounding pompous obnoxious or rude when I say a little more detailed words would help convey your feeling a bit better and overall allow me to stay attached to the story better and the reason I’m saying this is I see great potential when reading this poem I think your only starting on what can be a great poet so I hope I can help you on your way sincerely Liam Bergeron

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