A Shelter in the Storm

People run for shelter when the storms and tempests rise, They race for higher ground, and for places of blue skies. They risk their lives escaping all the wrath that's sure to come They flee from crowds and cities, for they certainly aren't dumb. They leave their lives behind them as they search for ground that's calm, And they gather in the country-what a peaceful, soothing balm. They struggle to survive, in an environment that's new, But with no news or running water, oh what are they going to do? Some who leave the cities are the ones who have prepared, As they shelter in the mountains where their food and land is shared. They don't worry o'er the future, for they know this earth will end, But they put their trust in God, and on Him alone, depend. They forage in the meadows, and they eat from nature's store, Where there's grass and fruit a plenty, nuts and medicine and more. They start fire without matches and they sleep on leafy bed, They take solace from the forest, and they always think ahead. This earth is in a turmoil, and the nighttime draweth nigh, The time is soon a comin' when the Lord comes in the sky. He'll take His faithful children to their perfect heav'nly home, Where they'll live with Him forever, nevermore in sin to roam. It is time that we get ready, and dig deep into God's Word, We must preach the gospel message until all the earth has heard. Heard about the savior, how his mercy knows no end, And how He truly loves them and on Him they can depend. God's people need to focus on the things that matter most-- Like Knowing Christ, their Savior--it's on this alone we boast. The world needs to hear about what heaven holds in store, They must hear about salvation, Jesus love for them, and more. Oh my friend are you prepared to leave your earthly wealth behind? Are you rooted in God's Word? Or will His coming leave you blind? We must learn to know the Savior, He who loves us without end, He is waiting to accept us, He is our eternal friend.

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