Tip Jar

Tip Jar

Well he makes his living playing country music

With his old guitar he roams from town to town

You can always find him standing on a corner

Pickin on his guitar and sippen on some Crown


Well the story goes he used to be a big star

Hell he even played the Opry so they say

But now he roams around with a tip Jar

Hopen that somebody —will pay to hear him play


For life is hard and short in country music

There’s always someone new to take your place

But if you’re really good you just might make it

Unless you find the bottle —and drink your fame away


People use to stand in line for hours

Just to hear him play his country songs

But over time he lost his mind to whisky

And like so many others –– He went and lost it all


Now when you see him standing on your corner

Remember he’s a famous country star

So if you ask him to play a tune for ya

Don’t forget to put —some money in his jar



For life is hard and short in country music

There’s always someone new to take your place

But if you’re really good you just might make it

Unless you find the bottle — and drink your fame away

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