A woman in an abusive relationship finds the strength to be free.
some things are just common sense
Old girlfriend is back
Original song written and played by Laz Lore
A woman in an abusive relationship finds the strength to be free.


This about all those historical figures who sought enlightenment (Bhudda, Socrates,Confucius et al) crossed...
just a battlerap verse, nothing special. had some memories of battlerapping at school, so i decided...
I did my best to change When the voice came from the heavens Up...
It is a deep and meaningful concept, that many of us can relate to.
As a former muslim who strongly regretted his decision, I wante to write a folk...
A boy lost his girl to Cancer
Afraid to fall in love again
Hip Hop/R&B artist Jake Aldridge combine’s with former Battle Of The Bands winner Lisa...
This about those ‘happy’ farewells with people beside thier loved one’s bedside as they pass away,...
This jazz lyric is about rolling through life creatively
A man and his truck
This jazz lyric is about the delays and desire of love
This song is about everyday people who have been in relations that failed. We wonder...
the song consists of 4 stories, the song challenges you mentally, only a few...
Inspired from the Bible.
An guys lucky night with the woman of his dreams.
Its a unique song with a positive vibe. It talks about relationship struggles.
This jazz lyric is about rolling through life creatively
finding new love, but it has a nice ring to it, just hoping i...
This song is about my father leaving/passing away.
A love song, a relationship troubled, the return of that love and another chance for...
The song is about getting something that you have longed for from a loved...
This song is about the ending of a relationsip
  I wanted to write a fictional song which had emotional content. I have...